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Jade Jayeola
Jade Jayeola

Jade Jaeyola has always gone above and beyond to support communities which are struggling. With or without funding she organises free meals, community activities such as lunches, activities for children such as arts and crafts and sports.


Jade has run teaching clubs for people who are on low incomes on how to make healthy foods on low budgets. She has provided cooking lessons to young people who may want to progress their careers as chefs. She has provided apprenticeships to young people in cooking and also provided work experience and employment for people in the community including mentally challenged people. In fact, one of the mentally challenged people Jade supported for almost 7 years became violent one day and almost beat her to death. A sad situation but an example of how Jade goes above and beyond to help people who need her.


Jade’s commitment to others and her work has helped thousands of individuals, young people children and families. She has supported families going through break ups to manage the change and their finances and ability to feed their children.


She has supported families who have lost their young people to county lines and drug dealing by providing personal support and advice and guidance. she has supported families who struggled from digital poverty during COVID-19 by making public appeals for laptops and providing these to the struggling families so that their children could access their school learning. She has supported hundreds of families during COVID-19 lock down with food parcels so that they did not go hungry.


Her community cafes provided opportunities for lonely and elderly and financially struggling people to meet, have free meals and interact with others. We believe this woman has given all of herself. We have watched her self-sacrifice over the years and the impact it has had on so many people and we believe she is worthy of an award, especially as she does all this with no

expectation of reward.

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